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Clun Art & Craft Show

Clun Art and Craft Show Report for Annual Parish Meeting 2024

The Annual Clun Art and Craft Show is affiliated to the Clun Carnival and Show but runs independently.

It is not a craft fair but a show for creative artists to display and showcase their work. Most work is offered for sale. On average we show the work of 70 artists and creative craftspeople each year. Last year we had the privilege of showing the work of a master carver who worked most afternoons on his own masterpiece. We are pleased that he has asked to join us again this year.

Artists are charged for hanging space and tables and have always paid 10% on sales. This is shared 50/50 between the art show for expenses such as equipment and room hire and the Clun carnival. On several occasions we have been able to donate over £1000 to carnival funds and in recent years this has enabled the show to stay afloat.

The show is staffed by volunteers each day over an 8 day period. For security reasons, stewards work in twos and work 2 hour shifts. This year for the first time we plan to have a card machine which will cut down the handling of cash and we hope will increase sales.

Joan and Nigel Kerry
Organisers of the Clun Art and Craft Show

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